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How to feel better about climate change: choosing the less obvious response- PODCAST

From 9:00am ending at 5:00pm 18 days later, on Wednesday 19 March

Anglia Ruskin University

Desiring Sleep: Somnophilia in Victorian Literature and Art

10:30am-11:00am on Wednesday 26 March

Faculty of English

Beyond LLMs: the advent of Gen-AI in educational paradigms

2:00pm-3:00pm on Friday 28 March

Zoom Video Conferencing

Your Data Can Save Lives: The Power of AI in Health Data Science

5:00pm-6:00pm on Friday 28 March

Homerton College, Fellow's Auditorium

The psychology of starting school exhibition

11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 29 March

Old Cavendish Rayleigh Wing, Ground Floor Seminar Room

Building Career Paths: Using LEGO Serious Play as a Coaching Tool

10:00am-12:00pm on Saturday 29 March

Wolfson College, Roger Needham Room

Exploring: Memory - The Emotional Cognition Lab’s Object Memory Quiz

11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 29 March
11:00am-4:00pm on Sunday 30 March

Department of Psychology, Ground Floor Classroom

Exploring: Facial recognition of emotions - Face-Off! Who Looks Alike?

11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 29 March
11:00am-4:00pm on Sunday 30 March

Department of Psychology, Ground Floor Classroom

How we think, move, feel and see the world: Fun games and art activities for young families, babies and children 0-12 years

11:00am-4:30pm on Saturday 29 March

Old Cavendish Rayleigh Wing, Ground Floor Classroom

Social class and life chances: What should and can be done to tackle inequality?

1:00pm-2:00pm on Saturday 29 March

Wolfson College, Roger Needham Room

Exploring: Voting - How do you take voting decisions?

11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 29 March
11:00am-4:00pm on Sunday 30 March

Department of Psychology, Teaching Laboratory