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A selection of images from Cambridge University Festivals

What is the Cambridge Festival?

The Cambridge Festival will take place from 19 March - 4 April 2025 with a mixture of on online, on-demand and in-person events covering all aspects of the world-leading research happening at Cambridge.

There will still be strong and distinct platforms for the sciences and the arts, humanities and social sciences. And the Festival will include a uniquely Cambridge, eclectic mixture of over 350 events and activities: from panel discussions, film premieres, and self-guided walking tours, to interactive activities for the whole family. Topics cover the breadth of Cambridge research and will be presented across the Festival’s themes: Society, Health, Environment and Discovery!

The University’s Public Engagement team brings the Cambridge Festival to you. To find out about their other events such as Open Cambridge, and their training and development programme for researchers, please visit

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Members of the East Anglian Festival Network (EAFN)

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