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Festival FAQs

A list of commonly asked questions and answers to help you with accessing in- person and online events at the Cambridge Festival.

Q. Do I have to book for all events? How do I access event content?

Each event is organised slightly differently. Please read the instructions on the event page. Some events may require pre-booking. Others do not. If an organisers contact details are on the event page, please contact them with any questions directly.

If there are no organiser details on the event page, contact the Festival team for assistance, being sure to reference the title of the specific event in question.

Q. Booking/Registration is: UNAVAILABLE. What does this mean?

If the event says that booking is unavailable this mean the event is a drop-in and there is no need to book.

Q. How do I cancel my ticket?

If your ticket is booked through Eventbrite, please follow their instructions: Otherwise please contact the event organiser. 

Q. How can I find events about a specific topic?

You can use our event search filters or you can use the search function for keywords like history, engineering or climate change.

Q. Will I be able to enter an in-person event if I am running late?

We will not be able to admit you to a venue if you arrive ten minutes late. This is to avoid ongoing disruption to the event taking place. 

At some festival sites, including those taking place at the New Museums Site, there may be other activities you can still join. Please ask a member of staff. 

Q. What accessibility options are available?

There are different levels of access for different events, depending on what each event organiser is able to offer. Accessibility information for each event is specified in the top right of each event page. Many video-based events offer subtitling/closed captions or transcripts. If an event’s accessibility isn’t specified, please contact the event organiser as detailed on the event page. If there are no organiser details on the event page, contact the Festival team for assistance, being sure to reference the title of the specific event in question.

Q. Help! I cannot access the web link provided for an online event.

In some instances, you may be unable to access a platform due to the web browser you are using. If you have one available, we recommend using an alternative browser (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, etc.) If your problem still persist please contact the listed organiser of that event or if no details are listed, contact the Festival team.

Q. I was not able to watch an online event at the advertised time. Will I be able to watch it again?

Many events are available on demand following the event. This will be indicated in the festival programme on our website. If available on demand, simply follow the web link provided. It is also likely that if you have booked/registered for the event that you will recieve an email to notify you of this.

Q. Is this event recorded and can I watch this content later?

Each event is organised slightly differently. Please read the instructions on the event page and contact the organiser directly if their contact details are available there. If there are no organiser details on the event page, contact the Festival team for assistance, being sure to reference the title of the specific event in question.

Q. The online event has not started yet and it is past the listed start time.

Please be patient with us. Live-streamed events may start slightly late, to enable the organiser to ensure all participants are ready to begin.

Q. What is Matter and how do I get a copy?

Matter is the Cambridge Festival newspaper. You can pick up a copy in the Grand Arcade, Waterstones, Cambridge Central Library and at most of our events. Alternatively, drop us a line at with your address and we'll send you a copy in the post.

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Festival FAQs

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