11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 29 March11:00am-4:00pm on Sunday 30 March
Department of Psychology, Ground Floor Classroom, Downing Street, CB2 3EB
Event hosted by the Dept. of Psychology (www.psychol.cam.ac.uk).
This is part of “From drawing first breath to the election booth: A Lifespan Journey” Psychology Investigation Trail.
The third stop will allow you to discover the surprising science behind why we remember what we do. In this family-friendly memory quiz, participants of all ages will explore how the order of information impacts recall.
Using familiar objects like fruits or chocolate bars, this hands-on activity demonstrates the 'primacy effect' and 'recency effect' in memory.
Participants will first view a sequence of 10 familiar objects presented in random order. After a short pause, they’ll be asked to freely recall as many of the objects presented as they can, in no particular order. There will be a small prize awarded to those who manage to recall all 10 items!
The process will be engaging and interactive, with each person’s results displayed on a pinboard in real time, showing which items were remembered and which were forgotten. This instant visual feedback will highlight which items tend to be remembered most readily, bringing key memory effects to life.