1:30pm-2:30pm on Sunday 30 March
Cockcroft Lecture Theatre (through the Pembroke Archway), Pembroke St, New Museums Site, CB2 3QY
There’s no such thing as a silly question… is there? Meet author and silliness specialist Mike Rampton as he’s joined by extremely grown up experts, Dr Matt Bothwell (astronomy), Dr Roz Wade (zoology) and Dr Jimena Lobo Guerrero Arenas (archaeology) to answer once and for all those burning questions you’ve always wanted to ask like, for instance:
WHAT is the longest number in the world? WHY do mice like cheese so much? WHO invented chocolate? HOW do you become a real-life expert in how astronauts go to the toilet? WHERE do authors get their ideas? And, WHEN you have a bucket on your head, is answering questions more difficult?
Featuring a whole heap of audience interaction, hilarious quizzes, and more questions, answers and silliness than Cambridge Festival has ever seen, here’s a question for you: is this really an event you want to miss?!?!