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How we think, move, feel and see the world: Fun games and art activities for young families, babies and children 0-12 years

11:00am-4:30pm on Saturday 29 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Old Cavendish Rayleigh Wing, Ground Floor Classroom, New Museums Site (Enter via Bene't Street or Free School Lane), CB2 3RF

At this multi-activity, family fun session, you can test out the games we use in our research with babies, children and families in our PIPKIN study (

We have partnered with the Brazelton Centre UK charity to talk about how expectant and new parents can tune into their newborn’s voice.

We’ll walk you through how sensory information (i.e. visual, auditory, tactile…) is processed from very early in life and how this impact brain development. We will explore the changes that happen in the brain across time, especially thinking how each of us is very unique!

We’ll have activities for both children and their caregivers.

We will demonstrate techniques designed to help observing all your baby’s capabilities and the ways they are communicating with you. You can even try on our neuro-imaging headgear and see brain activity!

There will also be some paper based activities including colour the different areas of the brain, as well as making colourful necklaces!

You will also be able to tell us what your thoughts are about our research, and what you think might be beneficial for families to have researchers study – in other words, you’ll have a very unique occasion to tell us how we can help!

Event hosted by the Centre for Child, Adolescent and Family Research (

Telephone number:
No booking required.

Booking/Registration is: RECOMMENDED

Additional Information

Age: Children under 12, Adults
Format: Family Weekend, Other
Timing: In person, Available on Demand
Theme: Discovery, Society
Accessibility: Accessible toilet, Step-free access

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Image copyright: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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