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FURIOUS LIFE : Club Urania at the Cambridge Festival

8:00pm-11:59pm on Friday 28 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Cambridge Junction, J3 , Clifton Way, CB1 7GX

The Cambridge Festival residency has seen Daisy Thurston-Gent create a new work. FURIOUS LIFE is an extended poetical narrative, fusing long-form spoken word, elements of nature writing and field recordings from personal archives and pop culture. In the artist’s words:

A young girl is plagued by death. Except mid ’30s isn’t exactly young, and she’s not even sure if she’s a girl anymore. Reflecting on a childhood of closeted queerness and loss, she is on a mission to exercise joy and explore Life. But how do you reinvent yourself in a world that is falling apart? What does a queer future look like? Will the revolution care about one silly broken heart? What does being brave and alive at the same time, actually mean? Furious Life is about grieving, connection, and how we relate to the living world (human and non-human). What patterns occur if we tune in and confront the daunting challenges we face as a species. What role does community play? Can queerness exist in isolation and what lengths are we prepared to go to create a bold new canvas and instantiate utopia?
During her residency, Daisy will collaborate with a musician and a sound designer, as well as engaging with Dr Diarmuid Hester’s ground breaking research into queer identity and a sense of place. She will perform an excerpt of the work-in-progress on 28 March as part of a Club Urania event at Cambridge Junction.

About the artist:

Daisy Thurston-Gent is a poet, performer and event host from Cambridge. Alumni of the Roundhouse Poetry Collective 2016, she has performed at festivals such as Bestival, LoveBox, Nozstock and the Edinburgh Fringe. She has featured at notable venues such as The Roundhouse, Battersea Arts Centre, and IKLECTIK Art Lab, as well as local projects with Cambridge Junction, Kettles Yard, and the University of Cambridge (in association with Cam Queer History). She has facilitated workshops at Anglia Ruskin University and St. Paul’s Primary School. She is a founding member of the London Queer Writers network, and one half of Radio Xaddy, as well as a former weekly radio host for Queer Cambridge on Cambridge 105FM. Her work has been published by Bad Betty Press as well as visual anthologies HOME and KINETIC by Colliding Lines.

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: Adults
Format: Performance
Timing: In person
Cost: Pay What You Feel
Theme: Discovery, Society
Accessibility: Full access

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