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Would Corporate Psychopaths bankrupt the world economy to gain a bonus? VIRTUAL EVENT

5:00pm-6:00pm on Saturday 22 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

online, online, online

This talk by Dr Clive Boddy will explore the depths of Corporate Psychopathy and how far some individuals might go to gain a bonus. This talk presents new research results that follow on from his 2011 paper 'The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis' in which paper he discussed the role that Corporate Psychopaths played in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

The presentation will show analysis illustrating whether the psychopathic and the non-psychopathic among us are willing to deal in financial derivatives to earn a bonus even when severe global financial damage for other people, in the form of a global financial crisis, results from this.

Current literature suggests that prior to the last global financial crisis, at least one corporate bank used a psychopathy measure to recruit new employees. In light of our current results we discuss whether corporate banks and those who govern them, should, in the interests of financial probity, ethics and stability, ensure that the highly psychopathic are screened out of rather than into corporate banks and the financial services sector.

About our speaker

Dr Clive Boddy has been researching the effects of having psychopaths in the workplace since 2005. His ground breaking work on corporate psychopaths was initially subject to ridicule and rejection but he was nevertheless the first researcher to establish, in a quantitative scientific manner and using a measure of primary psychopathy, the existence of corporate psychopaths in corporate life.

Clive is Deputy Head of the School of Management at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK. He was previously Professor of Management at the University of Tasmania and before that was Professor of Leadership at Middlesex University in London. He has also held Visiting Professorships at Curtin, Lincoln and Middlesex Universities.

Clive’s research interests include toxic leadership and particularly in researching the effects of corporate psychopaths on employees, organisations and society. Clive’s publications on corporate psychopaths include over fifty papers, several chapters, two doctorates and two books; “Corporate Psychopaths: Organisational Destroyers” and most recently: “A Climate of Fear: Stone Cold Psychopaths at Work”.

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: Adults
Format: Talk
Timing: Live Stream
Cost: Free
Event Capacity: Unlimited
Theme: Society
Accessibility: Full access

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