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Magma Rising: A Journey to the Centre of Icelandic Volcanoes

12:00pm-5:00pm Wednesday-Sunday every week from Wednesday 26 February until Tuesday 22 April
12:00pm-5:00pm on Tuesday 22 April

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Heong Gallery, Downing College Regent Street, CB2 1DQ

Magma Rising exhibition takes the visitor on a journey, walking up to and then into an Icelandic volcano (or at least too close for comfort). The exhibition journey is loosely based on Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

On display will be artworks spanning a wide variety artistic media and heritage objects including first edition books, cipher typography, heritage way-finding tools for climbing into volcanoes, film props, video games, traditional paintings, a full-height wall mural, an inside-out volcano, music video, artworks made with volcanic ash and ruined seismometers - and more!

Many workshops and events will occur throughout the two months. Expect a wide variety of subjects like how to draw volcanoes and rocks, to film viewings, panel discussions on filming volcanoes, musical performances, seismology, and others. (Check the website for full listing

Booking/Registration is: RECOMMENDED

Additional Information

Age: Young Adults 12 – 18, All Ages, Children under 12, Adults
Format: Exhibition, Family Weekend
Timing: In person
Theme: Environment, Discovery
Accessibility: Accessible toilet, Full access

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Image copyright: © Sruli Recht

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