11:00am-4:30pm on Saturday 29 March12:00pm-4:30pm on Sunday 30 March
New Museums site, Bene't St, CB2 3PT
We will invite visitors to our stand to help solve the mystery of how Mr. Stats, the teddy bear, broke his leg. We will use a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with arrows and images illustrating the different options as to why teddy might have broken his leg e.g. it was raining and the ground was wet.
The overall aim is to gently introduce the statistical concept of causation– one event is the result of the occurrence of another event. However, ultimately, we want to ensure that kids enjoy the activity and associate numbers/statistics with having fun. Kids will gain the satisfaction of releasing from Police custody several soft toys who are suspected of having caused teddy's injury but who demonstrably cannot have been responsible.
The activity will be targeted at 5 – 10-year-olds. Each child taking part will be able to put on a detective’s jacket and be given a magnifying glass, to embrace the role of becoming a detective. They will also be given a certificate when they complete the activity.
We will also be playing our ever-popular ball throwing activity which is a game of skill, luck and statistics. Find out if you are a better thrower than your friend and which medical intervention is most effective.