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The Value of Water

4:15pm-5:30pm on Saturday 29 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

The Michaelhouse Centre, Trinity Street St. Michael’s Church, CB2 1SU

This interactive discussion session invites participants into an open space to debate the value of water from different perspectives.  To get the discussion going, we will first hear from experts in a variety of fields, including engineering, economics, and anthropology.  Then, working in groups supported by our expert speakers, participants will be given a series of prompts to guide debate about the value of water.  Together, we will consider: Whether, how and why do we value water?  For whom – or what – might water hold value?  How might different valuations of water support different kinds of actions towards water?  The goal is not to settle on a single value, but to explore the many possible ways of thinking about and relating to water.

Booking/Registration is: RECOMMENDED

Additional Information

Age: Adults
Format: Talk, Other
Timing: In person
Theme: Society, Discovery, Environment
Accessibility: Full access

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Image copyright: Photo by Sanchit Singh on Unsplash

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