11:00am-2:00pm on Saturday 5 April
The Guildhall, Exhibition room, Market Square, CB2 3QJ
'The Trials of Democracy: Who Gives a XXXX?' is a public art project from Menagerie Theatre Company in collaboration with visual artist Hilary Cox Condron. It is exploring what democracy means to us. Do you participate? If so, why? Do you stay away? If so, why? Are you allowed to vote or are decisions made for you? And where are democracy's faultlines today?
These are just some of the questions that we're looking to address as we meet people of all ages - in workshops, at public meetings, on our podcasts, and at other events we've organised.
This event at Cambridge Festival brings together some of the stories, responses and challenges we've had from people we've met along the way.
You'll also see our plans for the final performances and exhibitions which take place in late-June, in the old courthouse. You could take part in a short interview, draw one of our (almost famous) hand-maps, and even watch or take part in a short play right there and then.
So come for 10 minutes or come for an hour. Stay and talk, browse the exhibition plans, the performance plans, find out all about Mr Pink and put your mark on one of our Democracy Maps.