11:00am-12:30pm on Sunday 9 March11:00am-12:30pm on Tuesday 11 March
Midsummer Common - near Four-lamps roundabout, Maids Causeway, CB5 8DH
Through walking the hills of Somerset and the Lake District, Coleridge and Wordsworth developed a ‘real language of men’ that prompted FD Maurice and Charles Kingsley (also products of Cambridge) to create a sporting ethos taken up by the Public Schools and both Oxford and Cambridge.
This walking tour starts on Midsummer Common to explore the earlier history of leisure at Cambridge’s Fairs (using Bunyan and Thackeray etc), before walking into Town to discover how Byron, Darwin and other Cambridge ‘greats’, also impacted on this sporting revolution.
To book:
Sport: Romanticism with boots on // BOOKING for 9th March: mailto:%20nigel@cambridgesportstours.co.uk?subject=Sport:%20Romanticism%...
Sport: Romanticism with boots on // BOOKING for 11th March: mailto:%20nigel@cambridgesportstours.co.uk?subject=Sport:%20Romanticism%...