6:00pm-9:00pm on Tuesday 1 April
St John's College Old Divinity School, All Saints Passage, CB2 1TP
When an environmental crisis sees London submerged by flood waters, a young family is torn apart in the chaos. As a woman and her newborn try and find their way home, the profound novelty of motherhood is brought into sharp focus in this intimate and poetic portrayal of family survival. Join us for this special screening of THE END WE START FROM (2023), followed by a drinks reception.
Arrival from 5.30pm for screening starting at 6.00pm. Register early as tickets are limited.
This event has been organised by Cambridge Reproduction (www.repro.cam.ac.uk) and is part of our series on Reproductive Justice in a Changing Climate.
Join us for our other events as part of this programme for Cambridge Festival:
• Panel discussion and multimedia exhibition – Thursday 20 March, Old Divinity School, St John's College
• Screening of documentary ‘The Climate Baby Dilemma’ with panel discussion – Monday 24 March, Old Divinity School, St John's College