5:00pm-6:30pm on Thursday 3 April
Alison Richard Building, Room SG2 (ground floor), Sidgwick Site 7 West Road, CB3 9DP
Knowledge about menstruation is an often overlooked topic; it is inaccessible, dominated by disinformation, limited to either statistical or biological framing of menstrual cycles, or centred around period products. Few resources available inform menstruators about the lived experience(s) of their menstrual cycles.
Technological innovations such as cycle tracking apps have been developed to intervene in this context with a promise to provide women—as most apps target cis-women—with the knowledge over their cycles they so urgently lack. Cycle tracking makes the abstract processes of menstrual cycles perceptible to users in a tangible way. Yet, these technologies encourage mostly a solitary engagement with menstrual cycles that centres a normative and statistical lens of menstrual cycles with a focus on averages and predictions. Simultaneously the datafication of menstrual cycles enables the commodification of this data: driven by a business strategy dominated by logics of data extraction, companies extract users' personal data for profit—often without their active knowledge or meaningful consent.
This workshop explores alternative pathways to understanding and engaging with menstrual cycles beyond prescriptive quantitative and statistical approaches. The workshop will create a space for exploring menstrual cycles through the medium of sound without the limits of commodification in the context of data capitalism. Additionally, the workshop aims to create a collective environment for participants to exchange and share experiences that might “captivate and delight.” (Clancy 2023).
What to expect:
This workshop is interactive. The aim is to share different experiences and feelings the menstrual cycle brings up in everyday life and to find sounds that express them. We will play around with different technologies to make sounds and record what we come up with collectively to build a library of different sounds. Our aim is to capture the whole experience of the menstrual cycle: from cramps, PMS, tender breasts, and brain fog to high energy, focus and feeling settled in one’s body.
This workshop is open to everyone who has experienced menstrual cycles and to those who might have some experience with trying to understand their cycles better. It does not matter if you used a period tracker before.