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Mary of Egypt: A Black Saint in Anglo-Saxon England? (Alexandra Zhirnova)

4:15pm-4:45pm on Saturday 22 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Room GR 06/07, 9 West Road, CB3 9DP

The Old English Life of Mary of Egypt, written in the eleventh century, presents an unusual model of Christian virtue. The title heroine, Mary, is an old woman who has spent her youth indulging her sexual desires and now lives as a hermit, going about the desert completely naked. The story centres around her encounter with a monk, Zosimus, who prides himself on his virtue. But it is Mary who teaches Zosimus the true meaning of holiness, not the other way around. The descriptions of Mary’s body, moreover, make it clear that the saint is not white, and does not adhere to medieval Western conceptions of Christian piety as white. By depicting a dark-skinned woman who rejected the norms of modesty as its heroine, this legend challenges the aspects of racial and gender prejudice inherent in some early Christian texts and sheds light on medieval authors’ understanding of the significance of skin colour, gender, racial identity, and ethnicity. In this talk, we will explore the story of Mary of Egypt, how it became popular in medieval England and what legacy it has left to us today.

Booking/Registration is:

Drop in welcome, no need to book

Additional Information

Age: Adults, Young Adults 12 – 18
Format: Talk
Timing: In person
Cost: Free
Event Capacity: 80
Theme: Discovery, Society
Accessibility: Accessible toilet, Step-free access

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Image copyright: The British Library

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