3:00pm-4:00pm on Saturday 22 March
online, online, online
What is love? And can science ever really explain what it means to be in love? In this talk, Prof Viren Swami, one of the world’s leading experts in the psychology of romantic attraction, looks at how understandings of love have changed across human history. He’ll also show how different branches of science – psychoanalysis, neuroscience, biology, and psychology – have attempted to explain what love is (and what love isn’t).
Drawing on contemporary scientific approaches, Prof Swami will argue that love is incredibly complex, but also not entirely beyond scientific understanding. As part of this talk, you’ll also learn more about your own love styles and how to be better at love.
About our speaker
Viren Swami is Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, where he is co-Director of the Centre for Groups and Societies, and Adjunct Professor at Perdana University, where he is Director of the Centre for Psychological Medicine. His research is focused on body image, mental health, and the benefits of being in nature. He is ranked in the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in the world and is the author of over three hundred academic papers and three books, including Attraction Explained (now in its second edition) and The Psychology of Physical Attraction.