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The Haunted : Part Two. 'Night Terrors' & 'Reverie – a dream of autoimmunity'

6:00pm-8:00pm on Sunday 30 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Cambridge Junction, Clifton Way, CB1 7GX

Strange occurrences at nighttime, listening houses, dancing illness and otherworldly portals… Welcome to ‘The Haunted’. Come and explore how it feels when reality doesn’t behave quite as expected.

Devised by multidisciplinary artist Joanna Holland, 'The Haunted’ is a collection of performances, talks, readings and soundscapes which explore liminal space, dreaming, sick bodies, horror and the uncanny. Offering insights into what it feels like emotionally to be haunted – haunted by bodies, haunted by sickness, haunted by dreams… This collection shares how people with chronic illness and encountering parasomnia undergo a change in their experience of space and time. Female-led narratives by Disabled and non-Disabled artists share what it's like to exist in an ever-shifting, ‘in between’ space. Their performances invite you into the eerie, uncanny, surreal and unnerving space of the liminal.

Part Two presents:
'Night Terrors' – writer Alice Vernon shares her lived experiences of parasomnias and reads extracts from her debut book ‘Night Terrors’.

‘Reverie’ – entanglements between lived experience of chronic illness and a repetitive nightmare inspired artist Joanna Holland's autofictional tale of love, loss and unpredictability. Performed as a dreamlike monologue by award-winning actress Louise Kim Salter. Directed by Stéphanie Joalland (work in progress, UK Premiere). Followed by a Q&A chaired by Artist and Curator Hannah Wallis.

Louise & Stéphanie both teach on the MSt in Writing for Performance and Louise also teaches on the MSt in Creative Writing at Cambridge University’s Institute for Continuing Education.

Production credits, ‘Reverie – a dream of autoimmunity’ Stéphanie Joalland, Director Joanna Holland, Writer, Sound Design Jenny Seabrook, Uncanny set sculptures
Production credits, ‘The Haunted’ Caroline Cardus, Creative Producer & Access Coordinator

Developed at Cambridge Junction. Supported by Arts Council England.

Content information:
Suitable for 14+
The Haunted features themes of horror, chronic illness, parasomnias, nightmares, visions, pain and death.

‘The Haunted’ has an unnerving and extremely loud soundtrack, with some sudden noises, moments of darkness and flashing lights. Part One also has a visual which lasts for a few minutes and *may* induce motion sickness.

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: Adults, Young Adults 12 – 18
Format: Performance
Timing: In person
Cost: ‘The Haunted’ is free for people who identify as living with chronic illness, Disabled, d/Deaf &/or neurodiverse and their support workers/care partners. For everyone else there are ‘pay what you feel’ tickets.
Event Capacity: 100
Theme: Society, Health
Accessibility: Full access

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Image copyright: © Joanna Holland & Suzie Larke

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