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Exercise Physiology for the forgotten many: challenging assumptions in life and through science VIRTUAL EVENT

6:00pm-7:00pm on Wednesday 26 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

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Exercise Physiology for the forgotten many: challenging assumptions in life and through science

When we think of exercise physiology, it is generally in relation to high performance athletes pushing the boundaries of human capability. In his Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Dan Gordon will explore how these principles have been adopted to challenge dogma, misconceptions and assumptions for the forgotten many.

Stemming from an initial fascination of what limits cardiorespiratory fitness in a healthy population, Professor Gordon will consider how he has adapted these high-performance physiological principles to support the Down syndrome, female-athlete and diabetic communities. Professor Gordon will also reflect on how his personal journey has mirrored his academic career, challenging assumptions as to what is possible for a person with a disability.

About our speaker

Dan Gordon is a Professor at Anglia Ruskin University in Cardiorespiratory Exercise Physiology who has over 20 years’ experience in the domain of sports physiology. He is an expert in the assessment of endurance physiology and the impact of training and pathologies on key physiological parameters.

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: Young Adults 12 – 18, Adults
Format: Talk
Timing: Live Stream
Cost: Free
Event Capacity: Unlimited
Theme: Health, Discovery
Accessibility: Full access

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