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“Do we know too much about cancer?”

7:30pm-9:00pm on Thursday 3 April

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Cambridge Union Society, Keynes Library, 9A Bridge Street, CB2 1UB

How can scientists make use of all the medical and research data that we can now access? Is access to more information always a good thing? Or do we simply know too much about cancer?

This panel of cancer scientists will demystify the opportunities and challenges created by big data and discuss the new, emerging, and future applications of generative AI and machine learning for cancer.

The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute is a world-leading cancer research institute dedicated to improving patient lives through discovery science. Our researchers are working at the cutting edge of machine learning and generative AI, bringing expertise from across scientific disciplines to understand how we can harness this new technology to bring about real change for patients.

Hear from:
Prof Florian Markowetz (Professor of Computational Oncology at the University of Cambridge and Senior Group Leader at CRUK CI), Prof James Brenton (Professor of Ovarian Cancer Medicine, Senior Group Leader at CRUK CI and honorary consultant in medical oncology at Cambridge University Hospitals), Dr Ania Piskorz (Head of Genomics at CRUK CI), and Dr Claire Mulvey (Principal Scientific Associate at CRUK CI).

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Please Take Bookings!

Additional Information

Age: Adults
Format: Talk
Timing: In person
Cost: free
Event Capacity: 80
Theme: Health, Society
Accessibility: Partial access - please contact us for details

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Image copyright: luchschenF via Adobe Stock

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