11:00am-4:30pm on Saturday 29 March12:00pm-4:30pm on Sunday 30 March
New Museums Site , New Museums site, Bene't Street, CB2 3PT, CB2 3PT
Activities are aimed at children and young adults (aged 5+) but all ages will enjoy interacting with our neuroscience researchers.
First, 'All about the brain'. Play our animal matching game to learn fun facts about different types of brains. Handle and dismantle life size brain models and explore how all of the different parts connect using a 3D brain app. Now that you've learned all about the brain, design your own brain hat to take home with you!
Then zoom in to 'All about the neuron'. Create a model of a neuron using colourful pipe cleaners or play dough step by step with our researchers who will tell you all about the various cell parts you are building and what they do. Once you have made your own neuron, now see a real one! Using a mini microscope connected to your phone or a research microscope from the lab, you will be able to view slides from different brain areas and animals, including sections of a human brain.
Researchers will be present at all activities to answer any questions and explain the science.
For more information about neuroscience at Cambridge, please visit: www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk and follow us on Twitter @CamNeuro