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All in Her Mind

2:00pm-3:00pm on Wednesday 2 April

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

online, online, online

One in five women in the UK experience mental health problems such as anxiety or depression. But what really is mental illness, and what does it look like day-to-day, at home, and in the workplace? Why are so many women still struggling with their mental health? And why is it so hard for women to find the kind of help they need? Join doctor in psychiatry, writer and researcher, Dr Kate Womersley in conversation with authors Dr Linda Gask and Dr Rebecca Lawrence on the lived experience of mental illness (and recovery), myths and misinformation about women’s mental health, and tackling mental health stigma.

Dr Linda Gask spent more than thirty years working as a psychiatrist in the UK despite personally experiencing recurring periods of anxiety and depression. She has written about her own battles with mental health in two acclaimed memoirs that helped break the stigma of mental illness and she is the author of a new book, Out of Her Mind: How We Are Failing Women’s Mental Health and What Must Change.

Dr Rebecca Lawrence is a consultant psychiatrist and writer with bipolar disorder. She was first treated with medication and electroconvulsive therapy in her twenties, and subsequently trained as a psychiatrist – despite advice to the contrary. She has written for The Guardian and Prospect, and she is the author of a new memoir called An Improbable Psychiatrist.

Dr Kate Womersley is an NHS doctor in psychiatry who writes about medicine, gender and women’s health for The Guardian, The Observer, Financial Times, and The Lancet. Kate’s research aims to improve sex and gender equity in biomedical research, funded by the Wellcome Trust,

You can find out more about Linda on her website,, or buy her book here

You can find out more about Dr Rebecca Lawrence on her website, or buy her book here,

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: Adults
Format: Talk
Timing: Live Stream
Cost: Free
Event Capacity: 50
Theme: Society, Health
Accessibility: Full access

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Image copyright: Cambridge University Press

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