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ABCs of Climate Action: Change! Connections! Curriculum!

3:00pm-7:00pm on Friday 21 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Pembroke College, The Old Library, Trumpington Street, CB2 1RF

This event will feature innovative creative project work co-produced with school children in Nepal, Italy, and the UK. There will be an opportunity for visitors to try out some of the methods and listen to the stories of the children involved.

This ongoing work is being carried out in aim of generating a climate education best practice toolkit using creative citizen social science methods and inter-cultural connection activities across the different schools.

ALL AGES, booking recommended but walkups welcome!

Booking/Registration is: RECOMMENDED

Additional Information

Age: All Ages
Format: Workshop
Timing: In person
Theme: Discovery, Society, Environment
Accessibility: Full access

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Image copyright: ABCs of Climate Action

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