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Read all about it... introducing Matter, the Cambridge Festival newspaper

Grab your copy of Matter, the Cambridge Festival newspaper, which is full of events, news and a cryptic crossword.

You may have noticed that we've not had a printed programme in a few years and we know some of you missed that. We heard you so this year we've published our first ever Festival newspaper.

Matter is your new comprehensive guide to the Festival and is packed full of feature articles exploring some of the research being showcased at the Festival, event highlights from across the Festival, Speaker Spotlights so you can get to know some of our speakers a little better as well as our super hard, cryptic crossword!

The newspaper will be available, for free, across Cambridge including the Grand Arcade, Waterstones bookshop as well as local cafes. If you would like us to send you a copy in the post, please drop the team an email at with your address and we'll get one out to you.

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